Monday, October 26, 2015

market penetration

Hello once again. A lot of exciting things have been happening lately and have gotten me really excited about where things could be heading. With that said, and I know it was a bit of a teaser, I want to discuss market penetration and competitive advantage.

Market penetration is very important to me and my future as being your family restaurant for many years to come and being the first place you think of when taking your families out for a casual dining experience. The amount of sales that are driven off the service and excellent food your family receives will be the most important aspect to me and my staff as always.

Now lets talk competitive advantage for a minute. I know the big box stores are always promising you a great dining experience but you often leave feeling as if this is just their way of getting you in the door.And you would be correct!! I do not want to sound like these guys at all but I will promise you the best experience around. I have done my research and have found that even if that steak you ordered wasn't quite exactly the way you would have fixed it, if you have the best service from the first time you walked through the doors that steak would still taste the same you would have felt lime my staff went above and beyond to make you feel like the king instead of the pheasant like most places leave you feeling.

I hope you give me the chance to prove to you that my service and staff are top notch when compared to those other guys.

Josh Newton

Monday, October 19, 2015

entrepreneurial pricing

What is entrepreneurial pricing? When it comes to choosing a price there are a number of things to consider. The first one is the value of the product or service you are providing. After determining the value you need to determine what the market will bear. This usually is done by looking at your competitors pricing. This usually means when you look at your competitors pricing you are just setting the bar where ever your competitors prices are. But you do not want to be just like them and therefore you make your self different.

There is always a place for you to define your own catagor for your business and not just follow the pack


Josh Newton


This week lets talk branding and how I am going to get my brand across to you the consumer.

I know that especially in small business branding is a huge deal. When a small business brands itself you do not start with a national brand as most big businesses do. I have to find a way to separate myself from the big boys and one way to do it is by creating a brand that consumers will see and automatically associate with Newt's Bar & Grill. I feel as if my business name is easy to pronounce and clearly states what my business is and is not confusing.

It may not be flashy as say Hooters is but our commitment to customer service instead of customer viewing, we separate ourselves very easily.


Josh Newton

Sunday, October 4, 2015


Hello folks,

It's a new week and with it brings a new question to discuss with you all. The subject is observing people doing normal activities and without offering help and just observing how they do these acts then asking if they feel like they can do that act without any problems. Well I have an activity that we all do and I think there are more people than we realize that struggle with it. What am I referring too? The tying of our tennis shoes. I am 34 years old and I still catch myself messing up tying my shoes even though I have done this for years still find a way to mess up. Whether I try to tie my shoes too fast or they come untied it happens to us all. I would like to observe and see how many people it takes to tie their shoes and how many tries it takes to get it just right the way the person wants the shoes tied.

With that being said I'd like to hear what some of you would like to add to my thoughts or a different activity to observe. Hope to hear from some of you with some feedback.

Talk back soon.

Josh Newton